Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Evaluating Health Information Essay - 1100 Words

Evaluating Health Information on the Internet (Essay Sample) Content: Evaluating Health Information on the InternetNameInstitutionEVALUATING HEALTH INFORMATION ON THE INTERNETModern advancement of technology has seen the medical and health sector being affected by internet though having quite some advantages. Information is provided via the internet by doctors, government, organizations and even by individuals who post various articles on forums and websites. The question is, how reliable is that information concerning our health? Whom can we trust? Which website is reliable and how do we tell? In order to tell the reliability of any website, different factors are looked at as highlighted on the following tables.Site #1:HYPERLINK "" by experts in the fieldClearly stated purposeContact information provided xThis site doesnt state its experts and besides, the owner seems to have studied something different fr om what he intends to offer. Theres no clear purpose and mission. The contact information is very untrustworthy. An email is only provided and even looks suspicious.FundingDoesnt favor sponsorAds are clearly labeledAds are separate from the article/informationxIt has no clear sponsors but just affiliates, Ads are not clearly labeled and even they dont relate to the mission or articles showed on the site. Ads appear obstructive to some extent.QualityEditorial policy availableExpert source of dataCurrentReferences postedNo product claimsxEditorial policy not available at all. Sources of data not included and merely no expertise. Information cannot be told to be current or obsolete. There are no references posted on the site. Theres suspicion of claims due to the disclaimer link.PrivacyPersonal information not requested.If requested, states how usedxPersonal information is requested when more seeking information. One is however assured that it will be used for inte rnal use only and not to third party. The policy is not well convincing. It cant be trusted that easily.Site #2:  HYPERLINK "/cold-and-flu/cold-guide/zinc-lozenges-cold remedy?page=%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%202" /cold-and-flu/cold-guide/zinc-lozenges-cold remedy?page=%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%202ScoringCriteria4321Documentation1. ProviderRun by experts in the fieldClearly stated purposeContact information providedxIt is run by medical practitioners and experts that make up their Medical Editorial Board that has been awarded and recognized. Has a clearly stated purpose and mission. Contact information is provided (911) including email.2. FundingDoesnt favor sponsorAds are clearly labeledAds are separate from the article/informationxIt has sponsors and in this case no sponsor is favored in terms of Ads or links to their sites. Ads here are well labeled even to an extent that a desc riptive text is put at the top to indicate the sponsor link. Ads from sponsors are placed at the margins of the articles so as not to distract visitors.3. QualityEditorial policy availableExpert source of dataCurrentReferences postedNo product claimsxA well stipulated and extensive editorial policy available. Sources of data by experts showed. Information here is up to date. A lot of references have been posted. No product claims on this site.4. PrivacyPersonal information not requested.If requested, states how usedxPersonal information is given at visitors will and more so theres assurance of it not being shared to third party.Part: BURL: HYPERLINK "" ScoringCriteria4321Documentation1. ProviderRun by experts in the fieldClearly stated purposeContact information pro videdxThis site is run by an experienced surgeon Dr. Mercola, also an author, together with other many experts in the field of health. It has a clearly outlined purpose of provision of most up to date natural health information and resources. Elaborate contact information of phone numbers and email is provided.2. FundingDoesnt favor sponsorAds are clearly labeledAds are separate from the article/informationxSponsors are present and include the most trusted paypal though no site is given a favor in terms of adverts. Ads are well labeled to avoid confusion. These ads have been kept separate from the articles to prevent obstruction.3. QualityEditorial policy availableExpert source of dataCurrentReferences postedNo product claimsxEditorial policy not well mentioned. Experts rely on trusted sources of data like American Holistic Veterinary Medical Foundatio...